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Policies and Procedures


Please discuss and share the following rules and policies with your children to help us maintain a smooth-running and effective program.


Attendance/Absence Policy: Consistent attendance is important for students to gain an understanding of their faith formation lessons. This is especially important prior to the reception of a Sacrament.  After an absence, please be sure to follow up with your child’s catechist, as missed lessons must be completed at home.  Our policy is to contact the family if the child has missed three or more classes. Please notify the office by phone or email if your student will be absent, stating the reason for the absence, the child’s grade and teacher.


Arrival/Dismissal: Students must arrive in a timely manner for class, and must be picked up within 5 minutes of the end of the class period, unless prior arrangements have been made with the child’s catechist.


Code of Conduct: All participants in the St. Mary Religious Education program will conduct themselves in a manner that promotes and models Christian living and Catholic morality.  Our classroom environment is caring, nurturing, orderly, safe, respectful, and conducive to learning, reflection, and prayer.  All participants in the Religious Education program will:

  • Help create, promote, and model an atmosphere that is free from bullying, harassment and intimidation.

  • Demonstrate and model honesty and trustworthiness.

  • Demonstrate and model respect, good manners, courtesy and consideration for the feelings of others.

  • Demonstrate and model responsibility, self-control, and self-discipline.

  • Demonstrate and model fairness and rule following.

  • Demonstrate and model compassion, kindness, and forgiveness.

  • Demonstrate and model good citizenship and respect for authority

  • Demonstrate and model respect for the classroom, its equipment and supplies.

When a student’s behavior choice disrupts the classroom environment, the following disciplinary policy will be implemented:

  • On the first offense, the catechist will speak to the student at the time of the offense and suggest ways for improvement.

  • On the second offense, the student will be sent to the Office and the situation will be handled at the discretion of the Director.

  • On the third offense, the Director or her representative will contact the student’s parent or guardian.

  • Additional offenses may result in the removal of the student from the classroom and completing studies at home.


“Do Not Release”: To assure the safety of our students, please alert the Religious Education office and your child’s catechist concerning any individual to whom the student should not be released, including non-custodial parents, and/or a parent on a non-visitation day.


Policy for attire, accessories, cell phones/electronics:  Students should be dressed modestly and appropriately for the weather.  Cell phones, handheld games, IPods, etc, are not permitted during any Religious Education class or activity.  Gum is prohibited in school.


Snow days: If Port Huron Area School District is closed due to inclement weather, then we will not hold classes.  If weather does not become severe until later in the day, we will notify families of Wednesday class cancellations by email and Facebook and will have the closing announced on WGRT radio.  Sunday classes will be notified of cancellations by phone.


Address/Phone number changes: Please notify the Religious Education office and your child’s catechist of any changes in address, email or phone numbers.  It is important that we have accurate information, for your benefit and for your child’s safety.


Emergency Procedures: The catechists will follow all emergency exits clearly posted in their classrooms in the event of an emergency.  At least one Fire drill will be held in the Autumn, and one tornado drill in the Spring.  Specific procedures in the case of an intruder or any other emergency will be followed.  Each classroom has a basic first aid kit, in the event of a serious injury or illness, the student’s parent or guardian will be notified immediately.


Medicines:  Please dispense all medications prior to class.  Students are not allowed to take medications during class, including over-the-counter-medications. 


Curriculum: Textbooks are kept in a plastic bin in each classroom.  We find this is a cost effective way to prevent loss, or children forgetting textbooks and being unprepared for class. Textbooks may be taken home at the end of the year, if desired.  Children do not need to bring school supplies, they are provided by the parish, and are kept in the same bin in each classroom.  The series used for grades K-8 is "Finding God" by Loyola Press.


Sacraments:  A copy of the student’s Baptismal Certificate is required prior to receiving a sacrament.  Please submit a copy to the Religious Ed office as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.  For all 3 Sacraments, there are several parent meetings and/or formations that are required attendance.  Sacramental Preparation is run in conjunction with St. Mary/ McCormick Catholic Academy; children prepare for and receive sacraments together.

  • First Reconciliation (Grade 2):  Preparation for First Reconciliation occurs in Second Grade.  Students must be baptized and have completed the first year of religious education.  Classroom study of the Ten Commandments, the concepts of sin, the need for forgiveness, and of repentance are reviewed and reinforced at home. Students receive First Reconciliation, together with their families, several months before receiving First Eucharist, in a one-on-one appointment with Father Zbig.

  • First Eucharist (Grade 2): Preparation for First Eucharist also occurs in Second grade, for students who have been baptized and have completed the first year of religious education.  Students learn about God’s greatest gift to us – His Son, Jesus, and how Jesus is present to us in Holy Communion. Parents will attend several meetings and formation, and are involved in preparing their children at home for this Sacrament.

  • Confirmation (Grade 8):  This is a 2-year program, which begins in Seventh grade.  There are several meetings and formations which must be attended by parents, students, and/or sponsors during this preparation period.  Confirmation Candidates learn that they are the Church, they learn how to be active, productive members of our parish, with a focus on Discipleship, and becoming the hands and feet of Christ. Confirmation Masses are now celebrated as BlueWater North Family of Parishes. The Confirmation Mass will be held at one of our  four parishes.


Special Needs Students:  Please contact us if you have a child with special needs, so that we can create an educational plan for that student.



St. Mary Catholic Community

1505 Ballentine Street

Port Huron, MI 48060


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© 2021 by St. Mary Catholic Community

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