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Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Ministers assist the celebrant by helping distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus during Mass. 

This is a liturgical ministry that involves handling the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ during Divine Worship.  As such, ministers must be mature, confirmed Catholics in good standing with the Church.  Special appreciation and reverence for the Real Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist is also required. 


Call Karen Gamalski, Parish Offices, (810) 982-7906

Eucharistic Ministers to the Hospitalized

​ If you are interested in helping with the Eucharistic Ministers for the Hospital and Homebound please contact Father Zbig at 810-982-7906 ext 100.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound

  • Those serving in this ministry visit those Catholics in their home bringing them the Eucharist. There is a lot of flexibility due to the needs of the homebound and offers the Eucharistic minister flexibility in scheduling visits.

  • We presently have three volunteers who visit 3 or 4 homes offering companionship, prayer, and the Eucharist. Each of us determine our own schedules depending on the needs.​

  • There are no scheduled meetings other than training.


“I was looking for an outlet to serve others at St. Mary Parish. I spoke to Barb Britz and decided that becoming a Eucharistic Minister was the right way for me.

The most surprising benefit of serving others as a homebound minister is the sheer joy I feel with every personal encounter! I bring the homebound the Body of Christ. We talk. We pray. I leave them feeling blessed to be a part of the experience and their lives. I believe I am exactly where God wants me to be when I minister to the homebound of St. Mary Parish."

-Madeline Beecroft​

St. Mary Catholic Community

1505 Ballentine Street

Port Huron, MI 48060


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